How do individual actions help achieve sustainability? What choices are we talking about? What habits?
Here’s some actionable advise. With the start of this series, and the launch of our new website, we want more action – from ourselves and from you. We don’t just want our products to come from sustainable practices, but we want to learn along with our community about other sustainable practices that we all can adopt as well.
So here are a few simple steps, some personal attempts to lead more sustainable lives. In our road ahead, we’ll share more tips and tricks to help us all in that quest and will also have opinion from experts in different fields.
Sustainability 101
- Dive deeper: Next time you find yourself at crossroads about making a lifestyle or product choice, pause. Take your time and think about it. Doesn’t mean curb your impulse, just perhaps righty justify it to yourself
- Clothes swap: This is a cool one. Swap clothes with siblings and friends. One can’t wear all clothes all the time, right? So why have them hanging, or even some of them unused for months. Just wash them right, and swap some. Oh, do check the size!
- Second hand: What’d usually come to mind is vintage collectibles, but other clothes are good to be purchased second hand too, if in good shape.
- Recycle: This one’s a favourite at Wildflower. We love picking old clothes from the closet, and even snooping for clothes our family members are not wearing. Think old saaris, shirts, pants. They can all be redesigned into newer pieces. Use them as they are or dye them and turn them into shorts and jackets, and all that you may like.
- Organic cotton: This one is for the time when are looking to buy a new piece. Next time you are consciously looking to buy something, look for something crafted out of organic cotton. It’ll not only add variety to your wardrobe, but you’ll also be supporting a sustainable business along the way.
- Water use: You know this one. Don’t leave the tap open for long. Not when brushing your teeth, and especially not now when washing hands for 20 seconds to beat coronavirus. And don’t throw that bucket of water just like that. If it’s fit to reuse, direct it to some plants and trees.
- Add a plant to your room or balcony: If new to this, when you get a plant, it may seem like an added task of taking care of it. But over time you’ll realise, it’ll be taking care of you as well. It’s about the calmness gardening ushers in, the break it’ll give you and joy you’ll experience when you see that plant grow. Nothing compares, and who knows you may grow your own vegetables too.
- Natural cleaners: Ever tried them? You may find some online, and over time we’ll share tips on how to make them at home as well. So you’ll be able to substitute all chemical-based disinfectants and home cleaners for natural bio-enzymes that are non-toxic. And then you can direct that wastewater to your garden and plants too.
- Know your region, support it: Another starting point of sustainability is knowing your region and culture. Since cultures are deeply rooted in the characteristics of the region, so practices and products that come out of them are already great fits for your geography and likely have sustainable origins.
- Consume local: Till few years ago, this one would have been a challenge. But with our community of conscious consumers growing, we are also seeing an increase local producers, educators and suppliers. Nothing beats buying fresh, local produce. Local is likely seasonal, so it is good for you and the environment as well. Go on, search for a few local producers around you. There may be organic farms as well.
- Stairs over elevators: Saves power, gives you a workout. No overselling this.
- Carry you own: It may take a bit of habit building, but this one makes a big difference. Carry your own cloth bag when you go out to buying. Not only are you not using plastic, you are reusing stuff too. Same thing with water bottles, carry your own ones. Don’t buy plastic bottles outside, use and refill the ones you have.
- Print only when really needed: Often, and especially at work, we print even notes that may be read just once and than let go. Why? This is where you let the digital being come out. Print only when necessary. Save power and paper.
- Go, discover your city on foot: Do this with social distancing and all precautions of course. Or maybe visit the countryside. Wondering how this makes your life more sustainability friendly? Well, as you get in touch with the outside, you discover more about the place, what’s local, what’s not. You also connect with nature, the walking uplifts body and spirit, and keeps you from using electricity at home too. Carbon emissions saved.
- Check the labels: Again, when you are buying something, take some time to know about the product. The label should have good information. What is it made from, how is it made? Take all the cues, so, is that product adding to sustainable lives or hurting them? You decide.
Those are just a few, there are innumerable more ways to start leading more sustainable lives, and many things that we should move up the ladder to.
We all probably have our different routes to achieving them. What are you doing differently? Share with us, and we’ll share with others. Let’s learn from one another as we get better at this. Write to us at!